Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Atherosclerosis / arteriosclerosis Cause and Symptoms

Atherosclerosis / Arteriosclerosis


Arteriosclerosis is the thickening and hardening and loss of elasticity of the walls of arteries.

Risk factor  / etiology  / cause :-

_ Hypertension
_ age 
_ family history 
_ smoking
_ alcoholism 
_ deposition of fat /cholesterol
_ diabetes mellitus
_ lack of exercise

Sign and symptoms

_ Shortness of breath dyspnea
_ Chest pain
_ Dysrhythmia
_ Fatigue
_ confused 
_ muscles weakness
_ Visionless
_ kidney fail
_  hypertension

Diagnostic evaluation

_ CT scan
_ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
_ ECG (electrocardiography)
_ Chest X -Ray


1. Medical management

_ beta blocker drugs 
_ calcium channel blockers
_ diuretics
_ vasodilators 
_ antiplatelet drugs
_ pain relief drugs

2. Surgical management

_Coronary stand
_ Angioplasty :- a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery

Nursing management

_ Regular check up of blood pressure
_ Restrict the high self diet
_ Restrict the high cholesterol diet
_ Quit smoking and alcoholism
_ Encourage the patient for exercise
_ Take healthy diet for keeping heart healthy.

By : @ummedsaini_

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