Thursday 17 December 2020



Introduction :-
pneumonia is the inflammation of the lungs parenchyma characterized by consolidation of the affected part.

Mostly are due to infection by bacteria, virus, fungi, bacteria like organism.

Definition :-
Pneumonia is an inflammatory process of lungs Parenchyma usually associated with in marked increase in interstitial and alveolar fluid.

Etiology :-
1. Bacterial infection -
  (A) gram positive bacteria 
       __ streptococcus pneumoniae
       __ streptococcus aureus
  (B) gram negative bacteria
       __ anaerobic bacteria
       __ human influenza

2. Viral infection -
         __ influenza virus
         __ adenovirus
         __ para-influenza virus

3. Fungal infection -
        __ candida albicans
        __ histoplasmosis

Types of pneumonia :-
Pneumonia mostly divided into 4 main types :-
1. Segmental pneumonia :- Only in one small segmental lobe of lungs.

2. Bilateral pneumonia :- Both side segmental logo of lungs are affected.

3. Labour pneumonia :- Complete lobe affected.

4. Broncho pneumonia :- Patchy like formation in the lungs.

Pathophysiology :-

  Due to etiological factors
Microorganism enter into the body
     Inflammation in alveoli
  Mast cell activate and release       histamine prostaglandin cytokinin
  Due to cytokinase release fluid shift         to extracellular space
          Alveoli filled with fluid
       Decrease O2 saturation in body

Risk factors :-

Key of risk factors :-
A- Air pollution
B- Bed rest for long time
C- chronic lung disease
D- Diabitic mallitus
E- endotracheal intubation
F- fully day smoking
G- general anaesthesia
H- Hiv
I- immunosuppressive therapy

Other risk factors such as :-

A. Head injury e
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. General anaesthesia
D. Inhalation of chemical gases
E. Drug overdose F. Heart disease
G. Lungs disease
H. Renal disease

Sign &  Symptoms / clinical manifestation :-

_ Chills
_ Pleuritic pain
_ Cough e
_ Hemoptysis (cough with blood)
_ Fatigue
_Cyanosis (skin colour changes)
_Low 02 saturation
_Rapid pulse
_Sweating.   etc.

Diagnostic evaluation :-

_ History collection
_ Physical examination
_ Sputum for culture and sensitive
_ Chest X-Ray
_ Bronchoscopy
_ ABG analysis
_ Montex test

Management :-

1. Medical management :-
Prevention of pneumonia by vaccination.

Antibiotics :-
_ Erythromycin
_ Cephalosporin (syrup)
_ Amikacin (drug of choice)
_ Ceftriaxone

Bronchodialators :-
_ Salbutamol (cough syrup)
_ Levo salbutamol
_ Terbutaline

Analgesics :-
_ Nimesulide
_ Paracetamol

Long acting bronchodialators :-
_ Salmeterol
_ Clenbuterol
_ Formoterol

2. Nursing management :-
_ Analgesics and antipyretics

_ Chest physiotherapy

_ Intravenous fluid if indicated

_ Oxygen supplementation

_ Positioning of the patient to         minimise aspiration risk

_ Respiratory therapy including treatment with bronchodilators

_ Sectioning and bronchial hygiene

_ Ventilation with low tidal volume in patients requiring mechanical ventilation secondary to bilateral pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome

_ Systemic support may include proper hydration, nutrition and mobilization.

By : @ummedsaini_

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